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Terms and Privacy

Terms and Privacy

1. Introduction

1.1 At Jarman Associates we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We work very hard to keep your information safe and we want our use of your data to be secure.  We follow strict procedures on how personal information is stored and used, and we also limit who sees it to help stop any unauthorised person getting hold of it.

1.2 This Privacy Policy (and any other documents referred to in it) sets out the basis on which we will process and use any personal information about our website visitors that we collect from them and they provide to us. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our practices regarding your personal information and how we will treat it.  ‘Website’ refers to to Jarman Associates at www.jarmanassociates.co.uk

2. Identity and Contact Details

2.1 We have a legal duty to protect personal information that we collect under the Data Protection Act 1998, (the “DPA”) and the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, (the “GDPR”).   

2.2 For the purposes of the DPA and GDPR, we are the ‘data controller’ and are located at 37 Sheep Street, Charlbury, Oxfordshire OX7 3RR.

2.3 Questions, concerns, comments, requests or complaints regarding this Privacy Policy, our Website and/or our use of your personal information should be addressed to  dataprotection@jarmanassociates.co.uk or by contacting us on 01608 810848.

3. Personal Information We Collect from You

3.1 We may collect and use various types of personal information about visitors to our Website.  Details of this information are set out below:

a. When you make an enquiry of us we will collect your name, contact information and details about the service you are interested, in so that we can provide you with the information that is of interest to you.  

b. We will collect and use certain technical information about you and your visit when you visit our Website (covered in our Cookie Policy)

c. We will collect details of your website questionnaire if you submit one to us.

d. We will collect details of your project if you submit these details to us.

e. We may collect certain other information that you give us, for example, if you report a problem with our website to us.

4. Bases for Processing Your Data  

4.1 We collect and use Website Visitors’ personal information on several bases. Across these bases your rights as a data subject are balanced against Jarman Associates’s legitimate interests in promoting and selling its services. The bases for processing your data are:

a. Your consent – you as a customer, potential customer or potential employee (data subject) have consented to the processing of your personal data. This will have been by consenting to receiving marketing information on our website. You can of course change or opt out of these preference choices at any time should you wish to do so. This can be done via email at dataprotection@jarmanassociates.co.uk or by contacting us on 01608 810848

b. Our legitimate Interests – Jarman Associates may also process your personal data to provide you with information about our products, services, and any offers that you may be interested in. This does not affect your rights in any way to withdraw your consent to us sending you this information, and this can be done via email at dataprotection@jarmanassociates.co.uk or by contacting us on 01608 810848.

c. Our contract with you – if you have made an enquiry about our services, then the processing of the personal data, provided when you enquired through our website, is necessary for the performance our contract with you.

d. Our legal obligation – in certain circumstances when Jarman Associates have been requested and in accordance with complying with a legal obligation to the relevant UK authorities, then we will process data to fulfil this obligation. This may be with the Police or other governmental or judicial authorities as requested.

5. Sensitive Personal Information  

5.1 We do not knowingly collect sensitive personal information.  

6. How We Use Personal Information

6.1 We use your information to provide information you have asked for, to enter into contracts with you (if applicable), and to provide you with a good experience of our Website.  Without this information, we may be unable to correspond with you, send you email newsletters, provide you with information and/or services that you have requested, or enter into contracts with you.

6.2 We collect and use personal information about our Website Visitors for the following purposes:

a. Responding to enquiries from you, corresponding with you and recording any communications.

b. Providing the products, services and information that you ask us for and carrying out our obligations under any contracts that we enter into with you.

c. Sending you marketing materials if you have agreed to receive these. These can be unsubscribed from at any time using links provided in the e-mails or by contacting us via email at dataprotection@jarmanassociates.co.uk or by contacting us on 01608 810848

d. Providing information about changes to our services.

e. Upholding your right to have your data erased.  

7. We do not share website visitors’ personal information with third parties for the purposes of sending them marketing information

8. Where We Transfer and Store Personal Information

8.1 The personal information that we collect from our website visitors will not be transferred to, and stored at, destinations outside the European Economic Area, (the “EEA”).  

9. Retention of Personal Information

9.1 We will keep your personal information for limited and appropriate periods of time only. If you are a potential client of our business, we will retain any information you may provide  through the website only for as long as is necessary to fulfil our contractual commitments to you, unless otherwise agreed by you.

10. Your Rights in Your Personal Information

10.1 You have certain rights in respect of the personal information that we hold about you.  Details of these rights are set out below. To exercise any of these rights, please contact us

10.2 We will process all personal data in line with your rights, in each case to the extent required by and in accordance with applicable law only (including in accordance with any applicable time limits and any requirements regarding fees and charges).  We will respect your personal information rights in respect of:

a. Access.  At your request we will confirm to you whether or not we are processing and using personal information about you. If we are we will provide you with a record, and a copy, of such personal information and/or other details to which you are entitled.

b. Rectification.  We will correct any inaccurate personal data and complete any incomplete personal data (including by providing a supplementary statement) that we hold about you.

c. Prevention of processing likely to cause damage or distress.  We will respect your rights under the DPA and GDPR to require us to cease or not to begin processing your personal information for a specific purpose, or in a specific way, that is likely to cause you or any third parties unwarranted damage or distress.

d. Erasure.  We will erase your personal information at your request without undue delay.

e. Restriction.  We will restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances, if you ask us to do so.

f. Data portability.  We will provide you or third parties on your behalf with a copy of any personal information that we hold about you which you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format.

g. Objection (including objection to direct marketing).  We will respect your general rights to object to the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances, including for direct marketing purposes.  We will usually inform you (before collecting your information) if we intend to use your information for such purposes or if we intend to disclose your information to any third party for such purposes.

11. Cookies

Our Website uses “cookies” and other tracking technologies which are placed and stored on your computer hard drive or in the browser memory, if you agree, when you visit our Website. 

We use technical information gathered in this way for site management and security purposes and for:  

a. Improving our Website and ensuring that content is presented effectively.

b. Managing our Website and ensuring that it is safe and secure

c. Administering our Website and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes. (automatically collected technical information about visits to our Website is used for these purposes).

12. Changes to Our Privacy Policy

12.1 We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy from time to time.  Any changes we make in the future will be posted on the website: www.jarmanassociates.co.uk/cookies.  You should check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Privacy Policy.

13. Complaints

13.1 If you have any complaints regarding this Privacy Policy that you feel have not been resolved by talking to us, you may also contact the UK Information Commissioner at telephone number 0303 123 1113 or https://ico.org.uk/.